once they are alerted they go all over the place this unpredictability definitely adds challenge, but it also takes away the entire point of the game. You can get away with hiding behind an object, but this is rare as the game throws 4 to 8 pony riding guards on top of you to deal with at all times… And no enemy has a programed path to stick to. which I’m almost 100% positive there is… and even if they don’t detect you, they will search for you until you do. Their hearing is so advanced that if you pull an object to make it make a noise, rather than inspecting the object making the noise, they will investigate your location 10 feet in the opposite direction, almost like there is some sort or magnet programmed in them. The guards in this game have the hearing of a dog, if you brush past a bale of hay or even jump, their head turns like the exorcist to detect you and smack you with a game over. It wouldn’t be too much of an issue if these levels weren’t so brutal. refusing to move from the spot she’s in that she can clearly pass without detection, or shell get halfway to the spot and freeze up, only to turn back around… As much as I hate the idea of moving back and forth between 2 characters, I would’ve taken being able to switch back and forth to control lily myself over relying on ai…. in a kill run this isn’t a problem… but in a stealth run this is a problem because you are trying to set up distractions to advance her to the next spot, meanwhile she’s running back, completely wasting your time and effort… You can somewhat control her by ringing a bell telling her where to go, but she will hardly ever obey your command. Lily would constantly run from her current hiding spot back to a hiding spot we already snuck past. And unfortunately this AI isn’t very intelligent…. playing this game stealthily is when the frustrations of this game will be highlighted… Lily is AI controlled. here’s the catch though… The different endings… Killing enemies effects how lily portrays you… so how you approach every level will affect your story… During my first play through I went through the more challenging no kills run. You do get to play as both characters in the beginning 2 chapters, but the rest of the game you play as just shadwen, it’s up to you to distract guards or take them out to help lily advance through each hiding spot… There are various tools you can craft with materials from chests to take out or distract guards as well as use your grappling hook to pool items and swing from beams. They meet after Shadwen A superhot version of assassins creed Shadwen is a stealth platforming game staring 2 characters, shadwen, and lily They meet after lily steals an apple, you help her from the guards and she joins you on your journey to help you through cracks and pull levers Unfortunately, what starts as an amazing and challenging stealth game, turns into a frustrating babysitting game. Shadwen A superhot version of assassins creed Shadwen is a stealth platforming game staring 2 characters, shadwen, and lily
If you are a gamer on a budget or just craving a game of stealth, then Shadwen is for you! … Full Review » At this price point though these are easy concessions to accept and feel hardly worth mentioning. My one complaint would be that the environments can begin to blend together and look very similar and things can feel somewhat repetitive. The time element is very cool as its based on your movement or lack of movement as to whether time is moving. It's honestly done very well and I've found the game to be really entertaining. Its a stealth game with the twist of deciding to kill those in your way or let them live and avoid conflict. That is not the case here as Shadwen is an absolute value and overall well polished game. In today's gaming industry you can often feel cheated in the sense of a lack of value for the cost of the game especially in todays ever expanding world of DLC. In today's gaming industry you can often feel cheated in the sense of a lack of value for the Shadwen is a true GEM and a bargain to boot. Shadwen is a true GEM and a bargain to boot.